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Node filters

A node filter is a search expression used to identify a set of nodes using SQL-like expressions on any namespace and attribute. You can create node filters that include or exclude nodes based on specific pattern sets.

When the filter is evaluated, Chef Courier creates a node list from the set of registered nodes at the time that the filter is evaluated.

Create a node filter

  1. Create a node filter payload in a JSON file:

        "name": "<FILTER_NAME>",
        "constraints": {
            "attributes": [{
                "name": "<ATTRIBUTE_NAME>",
                "operator": "<OPERATOR>",
                "value": ["<ATTRIBUTE_VALUE>"],
                "namespace": ["<NAMESPACE_NAME>"]


    • <FILTER_NAME> with a name for the filter

    • <ATTRIBUTE_NAME> with an attribute to filter by

    • <OPERATOR> with an filter operator. The supported operators are:

      • MATCHES
      • CONTAINS
      • =
      • !=
    • <ATTRIBUTE_VALUE> with the attribute value filter operator matches against

    • <NAMESPACE_NAME> with the namespace to search in. The following namespaces are supported:

      • agent for node attributes collected from the Node Management Agent
      • gohai for node attributes collected by the Gohai skill
      • aws for AWS-specific attributes collected by the Gohai skill
      • azure for Azure-specific attributes collected by the Gohai skill
      • tags for tags applied to nodes using Node Management
  2. Create and save a node filter:

    chef-node-management-cli management filter create-filter --body-file <FILTER_FILENAME>

    The response is similar to the following:

        "item": {
        "filterId": "ab38aed7-f35a-4e44-90f5-ef9ea11e6464"

Get nodes from a filter

To get nodes from an adhoc filter, use the filter run-adhocFilter subcommand:

chef-node-management-cli management filter run-adhocFilter --body-file <FILTER_FILENAME>

To get nodes from a saved filter, use the filter run-savedFilter subcommand:

chef-node-management-cli management filter run-savedFilter --filterId <FILTER_ID>

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